Airfield Condition Reports

Daily operations at an airport are divided into two groups: airside operations and landside operations. This webpage concentrates on airside operations, meaning airport operations that take place within the airport security fence and on the airfield.

Flint Bishop Airport Runways:

The runway numbers are magnetic compass headings that an aircraft landing or taking off would use, so a runway numbered 9-27 faces east to west (compass headings​ of 90° and 270°).

  • RWY 09-27
  • RWY 18-36

What Travelers are Saying!

A much better option than Detroit or Lansing. Someone here posted a comment on the TSA people being friendly. I 100% agree with that. Like all of us, I have to be courteous and nice, even when doing my job. Nice to know they are, too.

- Ken M.